Our Primary Goal is to feed the hungry in our community, however we also provide many other resources like:
- Food Distribution
- Food Assistance (Food Stamps)
- Medicare Health Insurance Assistance
- Referrals for Energy Assistance
- Provide resources for the homeless, veterans, domestic violence and many more
Last Year we had the following accomplishments (FY July 2019 to June 2020
Friends and Neighbors Helped:
- 38,035 Individuals
- 9,946 Children ages 0-18
- 11,305 Seniors
Provided 1,050,396 pounds of food
Volunteers donated 15,634 hours
Donors provided $96,303.77 which helps with:
- Food Purchases
- Fuel to transport food
- Maintenance and repairs for our trucks to transport food
- Maintenance and repairs for our food distribution center
- Electricity, Heat, Gas, Water, and other utilities that support the distribution of food
- Snow Removal
- Storage
Our Food Bank operates with a highly dedicated Volunteers, Board Members, and our Operations Manager
- Operations Manager: Liz Bauer
- President: Mike Bauer
- Vice President: David Hakes
- Treasurer and Acting Secretary: Doug Moulding
- Board Members: Karla Crowther, Sarah Nelson, Cliff Nelson,
- Board Members: LaDana Castor, Henry Valenzulela, Lin Scott,
- Board Members Michael Cantrell Smith
Non Profit Organization / IRS Code: Section 501(c)(3)